16 Days of Activism 25Nov-10Dec
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual campaign that begins on 25 November. This 16 Days, we’re encouraging everyone to get involved: from colouring your world orange on ‘Orange Day’ 25 Nov, following our club on social media and liking/sharing our Zonta Says No posts, and taking the Zonta Says No Pledge.
25 Nov is Orange Day
The UNiTE campaign has proclaimed the 25th of each month as “Orange Day”, a day to raise awareness and take action to end violence against women and girls. As a bright and optimistic colour, orange represents a future free from violence against women and girls.
On Orange Day we call upon you to highlight issues relevant to preventing and ending violence against women and girls.
You can go orange, too - read more to see how!